So what have you got circulating?

Many years ago someone wise said to me that you should always have a least 12 things in circulation.

Why? I asked, being quite new to the writing game.

Because, they said, not only does it increase you chance of success it also stops you going mad while you chew your fingers to the bone waiting, waiting, waiting…

The more there is in circulation the more you have to look forward to. One rejection isn’t the end of the world and as soon as that rejection comes in send it out again. It’s not going to get read in your bottom drawer is it?


So here’s what I have circulation at the moment…


6 poems at The School Magazine

6 poems with Rattle

4 poems with The Caterpillar

3 poems entered into The Caterpillar Poetry Prize

5 picture books with various publishers


I also intend to enter the two competitions listed below and I hope you’re considering entering them too.











So now my question to you is, what do you have circulating?


27 thoughts on “So what have you got circulating?

  1. Hi Jackie. That’s excellent advice. Right now I just have the one – illustrations with Big Kids magazine. But I’m writing an application for the State Library of Victoria Creative Fellowship Award (or I will be again when I finish distracting myself here!) for a major project, and I have a short story/fairy tale in the editing process. In between circulations I guess you’d say. 🙂

    • Thanks so much for sharing that Lorena and best of luck with all your projects – sounds like a great year ahead. And for your trouble a copy of the PDF is on its way 🙂

  2. I think I only have 2 pb manuscripts out and about at the moment. 4 poems being published this year. And I’m not subbing to The School Magazine – because I’m working for them!! Thanks for the reminder to get more of my ms out there. My crit group said the same thing this week…

  3. That was a really motivating post Jackie -made me think! I have 6 flash fiction stories with Celapene Press, 3 flash fictions with Fish. Need to enter Caterpillar poetry comp (have something in mind) and working on an entry for KBR Unpublished Picture Book comp. Not enough I guess!!

  4. Hmm. I have 1 or 2 out there. Occasionally I send more than one to a publisher (separately) and I get one rejection, but nothing for the other. I always wonder, six months later, if there’s still a chance. A year later I face reality, and get started on the next round.
    You have 24 things out there. My goodness, I obviously need to stop looking at blogs and get to work : )

  5. Thanks Jackie! A great reminder to keep on pressing on. I have a long way to go to reach twelve, but I currently have two poems submitted to the Caterpillar Poetry Prize and one manuscript with a publisher. Only nine more to go 🙂

  6. I have three picture book ms at publishers, an ANZAC poem in a comp, another ANZAC poem at a magazine, three poems ready for comps to be emailed this week and three poems ready for performance comps next month.

  7. Your shove is much appreciated Jackie. The Send, Forget, Keep Writing principle is important – especially Step 3. I tend to wait until close to deadlines before I submit because I know revisions will keep popping into my head. But since that continues to happen after the deadline anyway, I’m planning to start sending earlier – and more. I’ve therefore just sent off my first Caterpillar comp entry. A couple of others are in the mill. I also have a couple of pamphlet submissions ‘out there’ waiting. Is it ‘good manners’ or stupid to wait for a rejection before you submit elsewhere? – I’m wondering if ‘unsolicited’ submissions can still be sent to comps during the waiting period.

    It sounds as if that very hungry Caterpillar is going to be well fed.

    • I’m the same Dianne – actually I subbed to Caterpillar today – the magazine and competition so we’re both a good month early with that. Um I’m erring on stupid re waiting for the rejection. I reckon sub stuff everywhere (I’m nearly fifty) and then (hopefully) you’ll have to contact someone to say Um sorry it’s been accepted elsewhere 🙂 Best of luck with all you subs!

  8. Nothing yet, but you have inspired me to give it a go….also for those already published authors, consider the May Gibbs Fellowship. Strong community engagement options associated with research and writing time.

    • Good advice Tammy – I might give it a go myself! And good luck with your submissions. A quote I love from the movie ‘Choke’ – It doesn’t matter which way you jump. Just jump.

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